
ORTHOPAEDIC Upper Extremity Fellowship

Duration: 1 year July 1 – June 30th

Location: McMaster University           St Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton  Oakville Trafalgar Hospital               Joe Brant Hospital

Our Program By The Numbers

2,000 +

Procedures Per Year


Hospital Rotations


Dedicated Faculty


Active Fellows

Upper Extremity Fellowship

  • Program Overview
    • McMaster University is pleased to offer an Orthopedic Upper Extremity Research and Clinical Fellowship to provide Clinical Fellows with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to be leaders in the field of Upper Extremity. The Fellowship offers comprehensive care of the shoulder, elbow and wrist and provides a high-volume exposure to all aspects of Upper Extremity surgery. Two Fellowship positions are available each year.
  • Faculty
    • Dr. Moin Khan, MD, MSc, FRCSC
    • Dr. Jaydeep Moro, MD, FRCSC
    • Dr. Bashar Alolabi, MD, MSc, FRCSC
    • Dr. Carolyn Levis, MD, MSc, FRCSC
    • Dr. Matthew McRae, MD, MHS, FRCSC
    • Dr. Benjamin Smith, MD, FRCSC
  • Entry Requirements
    • Clinical Fellows are trainees who have written their certification exam and successfully obtained specialty or subspecialty certification in their discipline
    • Clinical Fellows must hold a certificate of registration authorizing independent practice or postgraduate education from the CPSO, obtain CMPA coverage, and meet all requirements to obtain hospital privileges.
  • Application Deadline
    • January of the prior year (18 Months in prior to Fellowship start date)
  • Funding
    • Remuneration: Approximately $70 000
    • McMaster University has a policy of no self-funding.
    • International Fellows are required to be fully funded.
  • Goals & Competencies
  • Upon completion of training, it is expected that the Fellow will be proficient in
    • Management of simple and complex shoulder pathology including rotator cuff tears and arthropathy, shoulder instability, shoulder arthritis and trauma as well as soft tissue injuries around the shoulder. Technically the Fellow will be proficient in procedures such as superior capsular reconstruction, rotator cuff repair, anatomic and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty, soft tissue and bony shoulder stabilization procedures, arthroscopic assisted tendon transfers as well as soft tissue reconstruction around the shoulder.
    • Management of simple and complex elbow pathology including instability as well and degenerative traumatic pathology. Technically Fellows will be proficient in open and arthroscopic elbow surgery including ligament reconstruction.
    • Management of simple and complex wrist pathology. This includes wrist arthroscopy, ligament reconstruction, bony deformity correction and management of degenerative pathology. Further elective exposure to hand surgery is available based on interest.
    • Fellows will develop advanced arthroscopic skills for the shoulder as well as elbow and wrist. Obtain training in comprehensive non-operative treatment modalities including ultrasound guided injections and biologic treatment options.
  • Length of Training I year
    • Curriculum Highlights
    • Weekly conference teaching in upper extremity
    • A monthly journal club and case conferences.
    • Open access to wet lab for skill development.
    • 2-4 OR days per week (approx.)
    • Dedicated clinic time
    • Dedicated Fellow Rounds and teaching
    • Research conferences and training
    • Involvement in resident teaching and cadaver labs
    • Support for fellowship courses and education
  • Overview
    • Fellows will spend 2-4 days per week in the OR and 1-2 days in specialty clinics
    • Rotation system to maximize exposure followed by selective to allow Fellows to tailor experience towards interests.
    • Fellowship Faculty perform a high volume of surgical cases (>1200) which allows for extensive surgical exposure.
    • Teaching our Fellows is a core component of the responsibilities of the Faculty. Fellows are taught in a supportive learning environment where collaboration of care is encouraged.
    • Protected research time is available
    • Open access wet lab for skill development
    • Comprehensive upper extremity teaching curriculum
    • Access to virtual reality training modules
    • Numerous fellowship training courses and support for conferences
    • Robust research methodology and critical appraisal training
  • Hospital Sites
    • St Joseph’s Healthcare Hamilton
    • Brantford General Hospital
    • Joseph Brant Hospital
  • Research Opportunities
    • Fellows have the opportunity to be actively involved in both basic science and clinical research. The group offers significant research expertise with over a dozen ongoing randomized controlled trials and numerous clinical research projects. Fellows are expected to complete at least one manuscript for peer review publication.
  • Overview
    • Our Fellows enjoy weekly protected research time if required. Fellows will gain significant training with respect to research methodology during their training. Faculty and research support staff work closely with our Fellows throughout the year in active mentorship to complete publishable manuscripts. Our state-of-the-art clinic includes space for clinical and human performance research.


  • Application process will ONLY be accepted 20 months prior to the start of requesting fellowship (November 1st).
  • Application deadline is 18 months prior (January 1st).
  • Interviews (if granted) will be conducted in February at the 16 month mark and all candidates will be notified by mid-March.
  • Interviewing will take place in person (preferred) and or arrangements can be made to video conference interview.
  • As McMaster University has a strict policy of no self funding, we are only able to accept fellows that will come with funding. Although the policy states it is program specific, Orthopaedics does not accept self funding.
Contact Us

Upper Extremity Fellowship Program Inquires and Application

Vanesa Kastrati: [email protected]